Let’s understand – CRL, OCSP and TSA

When it comes to ensuring the security and trustworthiness of digital certificates, three key protocols come into play: Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs), Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP), and Time Stamp Authority (TSA). Each of these protocols plays a vital role in ensuring that digital certificates are current, valid, and reliable. In this blog post, we'll … Continue reading Let’s understand – CRL, OCSP and TSA

Adaptive access authentication – Need of the hour to secure the digital identity and access

In today's digital age, security has become a primary concern for organizations of all sizes. Data breaches, cyber attacks, and identity theft are just some of the risks that companies face. To mitigate these risks, adaptive access authentication has emerged as a crucial security measure. Adaptive access authentication refers to a security system that adjusts … Continue reading Adaptive access authentication – Need of the hour to secure the digital identity and access

Secure Authentication in age of remote working – Introduction to MFA

Context As we are all aware of global pandemic due to COVID-19 and its effect on the sudden shift of workforce from office to remote or at home. This sudden shift has given rise to IT and cyber security risks where the employees, consumers or end users using IT system has become vulnerable and one … Continue reading Secure Authentication in age of remote working – Introduction to MFA

MongoDB : Transformations or Analytics using aggregation pipeline and storing results in collection

Background: Many a times the business required to do few/lots of Transformation and even Analytics on data available within MongoDB. Many of them try to do it outside MongoDB due to various reasons, which typically requires the huge data movement, unprocessed data hopping and consuming network bandwidth or redundancy into various places like BI environment, … Continue reading MongoDB : Transformations or Analytics using aggregation pipeline and storing results in collection

Granularity in authorization: Fine grained vs. coarse grained authorization

As discussed in previous post about authorization, it’s the process by which the access or entitlement of the requester for the requested resource is decided or assured. Granularity which literally means “level or scale of detail” and hence granularity in authorization means the level of details used to put on authorization rules for evaluating a … Continue reading Granularity in authorization: Fine grained vs. coarse grained authorization

Authentication and Authorization : 2 to tango

There are two terms namely “authentication” and “authorization” and people are often curious and confused between the two. Yes, of course they are related to security and in today’s world of distributed computing, cloud computing and Service Oriented architecture, these two necessitate and coupled with each other to provide a secure access to the resources. … Continue reading Authentication and Authorization : 2 to tango